Customer Testimonials

MEGAPOS Customer Testimonials

See what our customer say about us!

omote pos solution
25 Sep, 2020
Fast and efficient service from the Sales Director(Tony). Prompt actions in rectifying customer's problems and queries even though it should be a sales in-charges job. Technician(Kayden) is also very helpful in getting the required changes done as per request.
hock lam beef pos solution
By Liang Wei 25 Sep, 2020
Is my 3rd POS with them already. service and recovery service is tip top. Thanks Susy, Jeslin and Joyce for these excellence service render all these while. keep up the good work!
11 Sep, 2020
Follow up service was excellent! Items delivered and install on time and professionally. All the software and hardware specified was well priced and we got what we needed. Highly recommended vendor if you’re thinking of getting a POS machine!
11 Sep, 2020
Fantastic POS after sales service!! …Been using Megapos service for the past 10+ Good Years.. Keep up the good work!!!!"
11 Sep, 2020
Our business have been with MEGAPOS for 10 years now, in fact they pioneered the use of a POS system in our restaurant. Our business have grown leaps and bounds with them, and their constant advancement in technologies such as the recent introduction of QR code mobile ordering in our restaurant has helped us significantly. Will highly recommend MEGAPOS to any restaurant looking for a POS system!"

Our Solutions

Designed to fit every business type

POS For Retail

Optimised for businesses in the retail industry. Features for all your basic retail operation needs and more.
Browse Retail POS

POS for Food and Beverage

F&B operations range from simple to complex. MEGAPOS has all the features your F&B operations needs and will need as you grow.
Browse F&B POS

POS for Beauty & Wellness

Keeping track of appointments, staff sales and commission and customer package redemptions have never been easier
Browse Beauty POS

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MEGAPOS Address:

160 Robinson Road 

SBF Center #26-02

Singapore 068914

(+65) 6224 5788

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